Einat Halevy Levin, Chairwoman

Einat Halevi Levin
Has over a decade of experience in business development in Vietnam. She lived for five years in the capital of Vietnam – Hanoi, served as a trade officer at the Israeli embassy in Vietnam, as a technology consultant to the UN Population Fund at the organization’s headquarters in the country and took part in the founding team of the State Educational Television Channel in Vietnam.
Since 2008, she has served as VP of Clients and Partner in the Office of Strategic Consulting in Tel Aviv.
Einat has an extensive network of contacts in the Vietnamese administration as well as in the largest business corporations in the country.

Omri Horowitz, Chairman

Omri  has a track record of over 25 years in APAC Region serving IT and Telecommunications companies such as ClickSoftware, ECI Telecom, ArelNet, Safend  and more..


In recent years Omri is an entrepreneur, establishing and managing  “Israel-India” Consortium of high tech companies working in India, Founded Meeting Angels – a market place for business meetings, Amassare – A Big-Data  decision making technology and tools for IP related  risk assessment and WastePoint – Waste to Energy projects company


Omri  is the Chairman  of Israel- Vietnam chamber of Commerce and board member at Israel-Asia Chamber of commerce, the CEO of YaoTrade and active in bringing up Renewable energy, agriculture and infrastructure projects in Vietnam

