Agriculture Committee

The Agriculture Committee aims to provide members of the Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce with a way to better perceive and optimize the agricultural developments of Israel and Asia with an emphasis on intercommunication and development for the future. The Agriculture Committee works closely with the Technology Committee due to the fact that agriculture is so heavily associated with periodically renewed technology.

Moreover, the Agriculture Committee can assist members by providing them with information relating to Israel and Asia’s agricultural movements. The Committee introduces clients to well-known companies and investors in both Israel and Asia while simultaneously highlighting institutions, organizations, and departments that would support and enhance trade between the Israeli and Asian markets.

Amon Ofen, Chairman

Mr. Amnon Ofen, an international expert in systems engineering and operation research, sustainable agriculture, water and irrigation.

Mr. Ofen has extensive experience both in academia – lecturer at the Technion, the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and in the private professional sector.

Mr. Ofen has been an advisor to many companies in Israel and abroad and has authored articles and books on agriculture and irrigation.

Serving as a representative in Israel of the big International Indian agro concern Jain Irrigation. Since 2006 he has been a director of the international Israeli irrigation company NaanDanJain Irrigation who is operating in more than 100 countries in the world.

Mr. Ofen is a member of the Public Council of Agro Technology, at the Israel Export Institute.

Mr. Ofen established the “India-Israel Business Enterprise Center” for the consultation and promotion of business relations between Israel and India.

Mr. Ofen received a special” Life  Prize”  from the Israel-India Chamber of Commerce for his contribution to strengthening Israel’s business relations with India.

Mr. Ofen serves as Vice Chairman of the Israel-India and Nepal Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the Agriculture committee at Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce.
